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Thursday, 14 June 2007

Why health?

To the young individuals, health consciousness may be a small matter as you feel that you are at your peak of life and that your immunity is at its highest point. Yes, this is true. Your thymus gland is the largest during this time. Hoewever, have you ever thought that your health are at risk due to your lifestyles and surrounding environment? I agree that we are living in a time where nothing is impossible with advances in technology. However, prevention is better than cure. Let me tell you the reason why.

According to the World Health Organisation statistics, deaths due to infectious diseases may decline in the next 20 to 30 years. However, deaths due to serious ailments like cancer, heart disease, stroke and AIDS are expected to increase with cancer being the leading killer in the next 20 to 30 years. So why should we be concerned about this? Firstly, we must have a brief knowledge on how these ailments occur.

Cancer, for instance, occurs when cancer cells go out of hand and keeps reproducing itself. 40% of cancer can be prevented, i.e by leading a healthy lifestyle. With majority of us being caught in the rat race, it is undeniable that we tend to eat unhealthy food, grabbing anything we could just to fill our stomach. Furthermore, we are exposed to toxins almost every second. The carbon -monoxide-choked air we breathe when we walk along the streets, the hormone injected chickens we eat in restaurants, the 'perfect' green and healthy vegetables we bought from supermarkets which are actually sprayed with pesticides and the daily exposure to radiation when we use our handphones(yes, radiation causes our body to produce toxins). With all these factors, and the decreasing hours we spend exercising, more and more people also tend to become obese. Obesity, as depicted from Paul Zane Pilzer's article, US and other developed nation's obesity rate is set to increase at a surprising rate. As such, there is really a need for us to look at our health seriously.

It's not only the old who are always sick. Even the young are susceptible to these ailments....

Wednesday, 13 June 2007

Our Vision

Our Vision: Health Awareness To The Global Society

Health Pro aims to create awareness to the global society of all age groups about the importance of health.

Provide a good and reliable source of information about health matters and up to date iformation .